Unibrand Corporate Services Limited – Services
Unibrand Corporate Services Limited is specialized in offering one-stop shop corporate services to international clients.
Some of Unibrand Corporate Services Limited associated services include:
- Setup of any form of company and in any jurisdiction worldwide
- Register any type of marine vessel under any country flag internationally
- Operational support and case studies in support of the shipping industry
- Provision of Corporate Logistical support on the operational development level
- Provision of multi-jurisdictional Corporate Logistical support on international taxation planning
- Provision of cross-jurisdictional book-keeping, payroll, accounting and auditing services
- Provision of Project Management support
- Provision of highly specialized advise of corporate restructuring and insolvency matters worldwide
- Set up and administration of international trusts
- International Taxation Planning
- Registration/incorporation of Companies in any jurisdiction
- Asset protection & anonymity
- Marine Services (Ship Registration, Yacht Registration, Maritime Insurance etc.)
- Physical Presence (Legal Address, Fully Equipped Office, mail forwarding etc.)
- Trust Services
Often our clients have very different needs for offshore structures. They may need an off-the-shelf company, where our speed of response is crucial. Or they may want a solution to a complex problem.
Additional support may be needed in the form of administration, accounting, VAT services, bank account opening, website domain name registration or yacht registration. We may be asked to provide shareholders, a secretary or directors and bank account signatories. UNIBRAND can offer solutions to all these needs.
We offer a friendly personal service to all our clients. We take the time to understand our clients’ needs and to explain the intricacies, advantages and limitations of different offshore jurisdictions, and the range of structures available. Our efficiency enables us to be very competitive on fees and permits our professional clients to benefit from offering offshore incorporations as an added service.